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How Much Do Licensed Massage Therapists Make?

This article contains information about massage therapy salaries, and it includes average salary information, industries with top salaries, and different types of massage therapist jobs and their pay at various locations across the United States.

Massage Therapists Salary On Average

The average annual salary for massage therapists was $41,420 ($19.92 per hour) in May 2018. The lowest 10 percent of massage therapists earned close to $21,340, and the highest 10 percent of LMTs earned over $78,280.

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Massage Therapist Salary By Industry

The top industries for massage therapists and the average pay in that industry as of May 2018:

  • Chiropractors offices - $51,690
  • Offices of all other health practitioners - $44,560
  • Personal care services - $39,740
  • Accommodation - $28,020

“Most massage therapists earn a combination of wages and tips and may receive free or discounted massages as a benefit.” - BLS

Different Massage Therapy Jobs With Their Pay

We researched some of the top job posting boards and found some real examples of massage therapist jobs with their general location and salary information.

Massage therapist position in Indiana: $35.00 - $40.00 / hour

Licensed massage therapist job in South Florida: $50 - $60 an hour

Licensed massage therapist job in Tennessee: $30 - $40 an hour

Licensed massage therapist job in Ohio: $25 - $30 an hour

Stretch therapist position in California: $35 - $45 an hour

Massage therapist job in New York: $45 - $60 an hour

Licensed massage therapist position in Alaska: $50 - $60 an hour

These above salaries are examples from real massage therapy jobs posted on popular job listing websites in the fall of 2019.

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Massage Therapist Jobs on Indeed

Massage Therapists on BLS

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